Sunday, August 3, 2008

creationists and Global Warming skeptics mocked from the pulpit

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On 7/27/08 Rich Nathan, senior pastor of the Vineyard church of Columbus, crossed a line of ethical behavior while speaking to the Joshua house congregation (a service for hundreds of teenagers and 20 somethings). Mr Nathan, as a negative object lesson was implying that creationists and skeptics of global warming were ignorant Archie Bunker stereo types who were waging a culture war against the “reigning paradigm of science”.
Mr. Nathan suggests (quite wrongly) that we should just accept whatever dogma the "scientific"community currently happens to be peddling at the time without close scrutiny or debate. If Rich Nathan examined history a little more carefully he would be reminded of the "reigning scientific paradigm" in the days of Charles Darwin, which was that blacks and women were inferior. Please consider these quotes by evolutionists Charles Darwin and his bulldog Thomas Huxley and consider the consequences of just "accepting" the "reigning scientific paradigm" without debate.
"The more civilized so-called Caucasian races have beaten the Turkish hollow in the struggle for existence. Looking to the world at no very distant date, what an endless number of lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world." (Charles Darwin, 1881, 3 July, "Life and Letters of Darwin, vol. 1, 316")
"At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world." (Charles Darwin, The descent of Man, Chap. vi)
"The chief distinction in the intellectual powers of the two sexes is shown by mans attaining to a higher eminence, in whatever he takes up, than the woman. Whether deep thought, reason, or imagination or merely the use of the senses and hands.....We may also infer.....The average mental power in man must be above that of woman."
(Charles Darwin, "The descent of Man, pg. 566")
"No rational man, cognizant of the facts, believes that the average Negro is the equal, still less the superior, of the white is simply incredible to think that.....he will be able to compete successfully with his bigger-brained and smaller-jawed rival, in a contest which is to be carried on by thoughts and not by bites." (Thomas Huxley, Darwin's bulldog, 1871, Lay Sermons, addresses and reviews)
I am sure that Mr Nathan would not advocate Darwin's racist views but that is not the point. Would Jesus want you to just accept a "reigning scientific paradigm" without close scrutiny? Some scientific paradigms should be debated and as is is common knowledge that evolution is taught exclusively in the public schools Mr Nathan should realize that hearing two sides of a formerly one sided debate is balance, not a culture war.
Regarding global warming, it is public knowledge that thousands of scientists reject 'global warming'. Sex may sell cloths and movies but in the grant driven scientific community, those who generate the most fear get the most funding.  Before the United States spends well in excess of a trillion dollars to stop the sky from falling, let us make sure we are not merely buying the emperor a new set of clothes by questioning reigning scientific paradigms considered too sacrosanct to be questioned.
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Text excerpts from a sermon Rich preached on July 27, 2008, at Joshua House, the occasion being Eric Pickerel’s last Sunday. The title of the sermon was: C.A.L.L.E.D. to be a Leader. This excerpt was from the outline - #4 “A leader is a life long learner.”
I have met 25 year olds who have become really old in their thinking. They’ve, at 25, become inflexible and intolerant of other ideas, and the cement is poured around their feet, and some kind of weird sort of loyalty to those who came before them. To some theology from the 16th century or the 20th century or historic Vineyard, and this is what we are going to be and they become old in their thinking.
I have met 60 year old Christians and 70 year old Christians who are amazing young in their thinking. They are open and flexible, and available to God, because they see the Christian life as this incredible adventure of pursuing Jesus. This exciting adventure that never gets old, I’m pursuing the Lord and even if the Lord is going to shake up old paradigms or He’s going to change and revise my thinking, I’m going to keep on the learning curve, I want to keep on being alive and excited about new discovers and fresh things.” Eric, Julia, Jonathan just stay young in your thinking. Stay open and flexible and just willing to test things, challenge existing paradigms and status quo.
I told you about the Jesuit before, last week, I read a book on leadership, about written by a former Jesuit Priest, it was called, “Heroic Leadership”, it was written by a guy name Chris Lowery. He was a Jesuit Priest; he went on to go into the business world. He worked for JP Morgan as a managing director. He tells the story in “Heroic Leadership” about this Jesuit Priest name Clavius. And Clavius believed that it was important for the priest not only to be experts in theology, but to be experts in astronomy and mathematics. And for 50 years he just taught astronomy and mathematics to would be Jesuit Priest in Rome. He believes that the Jesuits’ would have their greatest impact if people around the world said these guys are just the very best in science. That if you want to know science, go to the Jesuits.
Now, contrast that to the contemporary evangelicals. When the world looks at the evangelicals and said, if you want people who are just the (pause) not the brightness or sharpest – you know knife in the drawer – if you want folks who are anti-science, who, if there is something that scientist are agreeing too, like global warming – we are agin it (then made sounds like disgust) – evolution, forget about that!. You know, let me just say something to you guys. I mean, I do not know where you are at, but here’s where I’m at.
I believe in Jesus Christ, I believe in Jesus Christ. I don’t believe in science, I believe in Jesus Christ. But my view of science is that if there is a reigning paradigm in science, I just have to accept it. I don’t have a need to fight the reigning paradigms in science or declare culture war on science. I’ll just have to say “OK.” Now the paradigm may change in 40 years, it has in the past, it probably will in the future. But, if there is a reigning paradigm – you do not, as a young adult, have to fight it like your parents and grandparents. Don’t fight out war. You have enough wars of your own to fight. Don’t fight old battles, there losing battles.


  1. I think what Rich is saying is that if there is a paradigm that is held in Science, he "accepts" that paradigm is the consensus view... not he blindly excepts it as truth.

    The point being as followers of Jesus we are called represent him, not argue rigidly against issues, that are gray'er, with what we disagree with in His name.

  2. Dear Anonmyous;
    it is one thing to "go with the flow" regarding current fads in evolutionary teachings. Rich Nathan went far beyond that however to the point of mocking creationists. His words and his actions instructed every 20 something college student there that evolution was the correct viewpoint and that creationism was the wrong viewpoint.

    As evolution is taught exclusively in public school (and college) and creation is unlikely to even be mentioned, this is not a balanced debate. How can students make a correct judgment without all the facts? That's not education, that's indoctrination.

    Regarding rigidity against issues; I must disagree. Creation vs Evolution is a foundational question. Is the Bible is to be taken seriously and considered a historically accurate account or is it merely a mythical tale comparable to Greek Mythology.

    And, if Genesis did not literally happen, then neither did original sin and Jesus then, is not the savior of the world (as he claimed).

    And, if we are merely accidental random, refined pond scum then God has no right to authority over us. If God did not create us then he has no right to impose his will on us or judge us. For God to do so would make him a celestial bully and a tyrant.

  3. there is a difference between taking the bible seriously and taking it literally.


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