Thursday, October 16, 2014

Indoctrination in the "Publick Sckool" system

After having homeschooled our children for many years, my wife and I decided to try "ECOT", the Electronic Classroom Of Tomorrow.  It's public school without the school building so you still get the obligatory (but still mostly useless and pointless) high school diploma.

Whilst being moderately irritated by the aggravatingly inconvenient ECOT supplied computer, the greatest bane has been the "English" curriculum.

This weeks assignment involved a story called "Most Dangerous Game".

A well known hunter by the name of Rainsford falls off a ship and swims to a nearby island where he encounters General Zaroff.

General Zaroff initially treats Rainsford like royalty as we learn that Zaroff is also an avid hunter. Over the course of dinner Zaroff indicates that he has grown bored of hunting animals, and has for some time has been hunting humans.  Zaroff informs Rainsford that starting the next day, Rainsford will be his next quarry, offering to let Rainsford view Zaroff's collection of human heads.

During the hunt, Rainsford uses his skill as a expert hunter to elude Zaroff another expert hunter.

This might make for an interesting (non family friendly) thriller except for the following politically loaded quiz question which thrusts the stories usage into a different (and much darker) realm.
17. “Rainsford knew now how an animal at bay feels.” Because Rainsford is now the hunted and not the hunter, what realization might he come to about hunting animals?
A. It is an intense sport.
B. Humans should only hunt other humans; animals only other animals.
C. It is unfair and cruel to put animals through such an experience.
D. Animals can’t feel fear.

Of course animals feel fear (every hunter knows that). Of course murder thy fellow man is illegal and immoral (which any sane person knows).  Are we feeling funneled toward a certain politically correct conclusion yet?

As a test, I instructed my son to select answer "A" (an intense sport) just to see if they made room for differences in viewpoints. When the test was electronically graded, question 17 was marked as "wrong". The only remaining, answer is "C" (It is unfair and cruel to put animals through such an experience).

I've asked the English teacher to confirm if the curriculum was created by Bill Ayers the terrorist-turned-academic (a rabid gun control advocate if ever there was one).

I sent the teacher an email, followed with a phone message hoping to speak with her and suggesting that hunting can be a really good thing and indoctrination can be a really bad thing.

I wrote in part...
Question 17 is obviously meant to attack and undermine 2nd amendment gun rights. The US Constitution guarantees the right to keep and bear arms (hated by rabid, anti-gun hack-tivists like Bill Ayers). The clear and obvious intent of this indoctrination is to demonize hunting (hunters) and therefore gun rights.

Rather than back room, subversive indoctrination of impressionable children, if you wanted to broach the subject of hunting in an open, honest forum, you would need balance (more than one side being represented)... such as....

The BILLIONS of dollars in damage to US farm crops and the environment caused each and every year by wildlife over population and by invasive species.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service "The Cost of Invasive Species"
"The most widely referenced paper (Pimental et al. 2005) on this issue reports that invasive species cost the United States more than $120 billion in damages every year."

Which could be remedied by "unfair and cruel" hunting.

Tell me, since there are not sufficient predators available to keep their numbers in check, is it better to have a small herd of well fed, healthy deer or a large herd of deer who are slowly starving to death over the long, cold, cruel, winter (because the land can not support a large herd)? We need to discuss the suffering that would be avoided if their numbers had been reduced to numbers that matched the available food supply by predators (like wolves) or by hunting.

Starving Deer Found At Overpopulated Park
BLUFF POINT STATE PARK in Groton has been an ideal deer preserve for years, with dense hardwood forests and no hunting permitted. Now, conservation officials say, it seems the deer have thrived there too well.
Over the winter they stripped most of the undergrowth and many of the lower buds on the trees, evidence that the deer have grown too numerous for the park. But because it is surrounded by residential, commercial and industrial development, Who allowed this bigoted question into your curriculum?the deer have no place else to go.
''You see a lot of indications that the habitat is under dramatic pressure.'' Mark Ellingwood, wildlife biologist.
Dr. Stephen E. Morrone, a veterinarian in nearby North Stonington who has been caring for a deer found starving two weeks ago on a beach in the park, said the yearling was about half the size it should be. ''It's obvious this animal hasn't had enough to eat for most of its life,'' Dr. Morrone said. ''It couldn't have weighed more than 35 pounds when they brought it in, and it should be nearer 90 pounds.''
State officials say the situation at the park is difficult to resolve. If they feed the starving deer, it will encourage more breeding and worsen the overpopulation problem. Trapping the animals and relocating them is expensive and would be effective only until the next breeding season, when the numbers would rise again. And changing the regulations to allow hunting in the park, they said, would be met by public resistance.

Apparently, it's more "humane" to let a large herd slowly starve to death than reducing their numbers to match the ecosystem (leaving a smaller, healthier, and more well nourished herd).

No mention has been made of death and damage caused to drivers (and animals) by collisions with deer: My own family has had 3 costly collisions involving deer.
"Back in 1995, conservative estimates place deer-car collisions in the us at over 500,000 annually. Vehicle damage is in the hundreds of millions of dollars."

No mention has been made that wildlife over population is a leading cause of disease in humans.
"In 1995, Lyme disease was considered to be the fastest growing infectious disease next to AIDS. Some scientists see a strong link between high deer densities and Lyme disease."

No mention has been made of harvesting animals to feed needy people:

Highland deer management program yielded 33K meals for homeless:
City officials began researching ways to manage a growing urban mule deer population about four years ago in order to mitigate damage to residential property and from vehicle-wildlife collisions. An archery harvesting program was approved by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and the Highland City Council last summer, and a select group of specialists began harvesting deer from four designated areas during the fall months. In its first year, the program harvested 74 deer, which yielded more than 5,500 pounds of ground venison. Most of the meat was donated to local homeless shelters, providing enough for more than 33,000 meals, according to program coordinator Brian Cook. "It was a resounding success — absolutely unbelievable," Cook said.

That's what I wrote (at least in part). Now that you know, will you join me in prying our children minds (and futures) out of the clutches of the Marxists who authored this curriculum? It's may not be the English teacher but someone approved of this propaganda.

When was the last time you called you representatives?

When was the last time you called your school board?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mom uses handgun to save her two children from violent home intruder

 Law abiding citizens use guns to PREVENT CRIME 2.5 MILLION times every year. Most citizens don't even have to fire a shot to deter the criminal, because once a criminal sees that you won't be easy prey, they'll move on to an easier (unarmed) target.

To their undying shame, the liberal media will never tell you this. Neither will Barack Obama and Diane Feinstein admit to it because it does not fit their agenda. You pay for them to have private machine gun toting bodyguards and it's no skin off their nose if you (or your school children) become a statistic.

Rahm Emanuel famously said "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste". The proposed gun ban was written a long time before Sandy Hook, but Obama and Feinstein couldn't ram it through congress because they didn't have a convenient crisis.

For Obama and Feinstein, Sandy Hook wasn't a tragedy, it was a Christmas gift. Sandy Hook was a convenient crisis to throw up in front of cameras to ram really bad laws through congress before anyone had time to think about it.

It's a myth that liberals hate guns. Homeland Security just bought 1.6 BILLION rounds of hollow point ammo, which is far more than the 70 million rounds of ammo the military uses in Afghanistan each year. It would be illegal for the US Military to use hollow point ammo because by international convention, hollow point ammo is illegal to use on enemy combatants.

Hollow point ammo is meant to shred tissue for maximum lethality and it too expensive to be used for practice. As Homeland Securities only jurisdiction is on US soil, it begs the question as to why Homeland Security would be allowed to purchase it as their only legally, allowable targets are US citizens?

Liberals only hate guns when you have them.

Mom uses handgun to save her two children from violent home intruder

Saturday, November 12, 2011

An Open Letter to the Vinvard Church of Columbus

To the staff and members of the Vineyard Church of Columbus (VCC),

I formerly attended Vineyard Columbus for more than 12 years, serving as a kinship worship leader, KidsQuest teacher, and event volunteer before leaving the VCC in 2008. Recently, The Lord has pulled me back to Vineyard Columbus for a season. Since my return, I have been attending the Saturday night service. The Lord has been repeatedly speaking through dreams, about something and pressing me to speak up regarding it. I ask that you carefully and prayerfully inquire of The Lord and let Him confirm or deny what I say.

The essence of the issue is this: over the years, there has been a progressive ebbing of the presence of the Holy Spirit at VCC. Time was, that Vineyard Columbus was much more in tune with the Spirit, but over the years, the VCC service has become a superficial, homogenized, service that is aesthetically pleasing but lacks the breadth, richness, and individuality brought by the spectrum of spiritual gifts mandated in scripture.

1 Corinthians 14:26 (NIV)

What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up.

In September, I asked The Lord to let me to see what He sees and was shown a contrast between the bricks of the Tower of Babel and stones of The Lord's alter. Scripture emphasizes that the Tower of Babel; a human attempt to unite mankind; was made from bricks; not stones:

Genesis 11:3 (NIV)

They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.

Bricks are identical with no uniqueness. In contrast, The Lord's alter is made from uncut stone. Using an iron tool to shape the stone was forbidden (an iron tool would alter a stone's divinely inspired uniqueness).

Deuteronomy 27:5-6

Build there an altar to the LORD your God, an altar of stones. Do not use any iron tool on them. Build the altar of the LORD your God with fieldstones and offer burnt offerings on it to the LORD your God.

We, like stones, are unique and we each have gifts that are necessary for the proper functioning of the church. VCC is in need of the complete spectrum of spiritual gifts but I see scant spiritual giftings or their development. Even individuality as expressed in acts of worship have been limited and homogenized. One VCC kinship leader, a fine man and well known, used to sway while he worshiped till he was told by church leadership to stop swaying on the grounds that it attracted attention to himself. I know a few who loved to dance during worship but they too were told to stop. At one time there were calls for prophetic words at the end of service, but a common report was that the church leadership, listened politely but then ignored it. The VCC is producing spiritual bricks.

I attend VCC on Saturday night but a different church on Sunday morning. The other church, worships longer and each worships differently with individuality of worship. Some sit, some stand, some dance, some kneel, some bow down, some wave banners, some shout praises to God, some paint biblical and spiritual scenes on canvas. At the end of worship, the band plays a gentle contemplative music while the congregation waits for The Lord. Prophecy is sometimes spoken, and sometimes sung, we speak in tongues, we see miracles and healings and see a wide range of spiritual gifts. It comes from the many and not just a few. Even the children receive prophetic words. Occasionally the Spirit will move the church to spend the service in worship, meditation, or prayer. It is not a perfect place, but the church is built of living spiritual stones.

The VCC is turning spiritual stones into spiritual bricks. The service has become homogenized with little individuality, freedom of worship or spiritual giftings. There has been an artificial emphasis on being multinational and multicultural. What few spiritual giftings I see are not being exercised by the many but by a select few. The spiritual giftings of the body and the spiritual growth that flows from those gifts have been arrested.

I believe that The Lord is trying to speak to Vineyard Columbus and has given the VCC staff a sign that there is a deep spiritual problem. In little more than a year, three VCC pastors have fallen into sexual sin. I ask you, were there no prophetic voices within the church to warn the church in advance? This is not a coincidence, it is a sign from The Lord indicating that something is terribly wrong.

If I had to choose an epic event that started VCC down the road toward this condition I would say it was when the Association of Vineyard Churches removed the Toronto Airport Vineyard Christian fellowship from it's membership. At that time, some were criticizing the Vineyard because of the unusual spiritual manifestations, such as laughter (The Toronto Blessing). Rather than suffer the scorn for what was a wondrous move of God, the Vineyard made the tragic decision to cast aside a messy gift to maintain respectability. Let me elaborate on what The Vineyard has missed.

In those days, few, had ever heard of Roland or Heidi Baker or the orphanage they operated in Mozambique, Africa (Iris Ministries). The Bakers had, with great difficulty, planted 4 churches in 18 years of ministry. They were constantly harassed by the Marxist government and the persecution, poverty and daily burdens were so taxing on them that they were ready to quit. Against doctors orders, a very sick Heidi Baker traveled to Toronto and under the power of The Lord she spent 7 days on the floor receiving visions, healing, and an apostolic anointing from The Lord. Since that time, under the Holy Spirit's leading, The Bakers have planted over 10,000 churches in the African bush. Heidi received truly apostolic gifts of miraculous healings that dwarf those of John Wimber. They credit the miraculous change to what happened at the Toronto church.

The Lord is not a respecter of man. The “Toronto blessing” was messy but as Jesus gladly associated with the prostitutes and tax collectors, we know that The Lord cares more about building tomorrows champion than about today's dirty diapers. The Vineyard could have shared in a true apostolic birth but they shut the door on a move of God and time has shown that the Vineyard suffered a substantial loss.

Vineyard Columbus and the Association of Vineyard Churches needs Spirit guided introspection, and repentance. Again, I ask that you prayerfully inquire of The Lord and let him speak to you.

Friday, February 5, 2010

An apology for Sodom

"If God doesn't soon bring judgment upon America, He'll have to go back and apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!"

Ruth Graham, wife of evangelist Billy Graham

Gays in the military is currently being discussed in congress and Barack Obama is trying to make good on one of his many now highly unpopular campaign promises. Having served 4 years in the military, I can say with confidence that this is a horrendous sin. The media mavens are crying crocodile tears for Harvey Milk and as usual, it's done from a very safe distance. The media mavens will not drink from the foaming the cup of wrath upon a bloody battlefield.

We already have pregnant "soldiers" and some years back there was a "recommendation" to put maternity wards on warships. One "soldier' stepped off a warship that had been at sea for 6 months and deposited $10,000 (her "earnings" from shipboard prostitution).

Field commanders ordered married men to share a "2 man tent" with a woman. They eventually recanted co-ed tents after military wives made a great stink. Mixing men and women in the military is a bad idea and it's so painfully obvious that one wonders if we can survive as a nation.

The military is a harsh place even in time of peace. The excesses of the young find little resistance to hinder them in the barracks. Barracks and battlefields, like college fraternities are insulated from civilized society and are unfettered by the moral restraints society exerts upon the greater excesses and lusts of the young and foolish.

That said, the excesses of the barracks pale in comparison to the hardened sins on display during the routinely pornographic "Gay Pride" parades. Discretion forbids discussion of such sins and obsessions as were likely seen in Sodom on it's last day.

During my time in the military, I found that some commanders crossed ethical boundaries when it came to rightly exercising the god like power entrusted to them. King David secretly ordered the commander of his Army to place Uriah the Hittite in the thickest part of the battle. Uriah was killed and David took Uriah's wife. The power to command is the power to destroy.

Tailhook is still a blotch on military honor, and warships are now floating maternity wards, such is the result of a mixed, co-ed military. I loath even the thought of god like power exerted over our troops by those held in bondage to such darkness. What pound of flesh might a homosexual commander extract from a man he can send into battle... to his death?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

When 5 loaves and 2 fish aren't enough

I recently went on a 2 week missions trip to The Republic of Benin in Africa. Even before I went, “I knew” that poverty and sickness were widespread in Africa. The life expectancy is 20 years shorter in Benin than in the US and the infant mortality rate is 10 times higher.
In 2007, our missions leader, had asked me to consider going to Benin. I attended the informational meetings, and asked The Lord if he wanted me to go. The cost of the trip was more than $3,000 and as a sign, I asked for The Lord to provide the money.
The power of God hurls mountains into the sea and can feed 5,000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish. If you do not have the power of God guiding your steps, a missions trip to anywhere is as pointless as throwing rocks at the moon. When The Lord told Moses to lead the Israelites across the desert, Moses responded with a simple request.
Exodus 33:15-16
Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?"
Missions groups to Africa have reported generous outpourings of grace for healing and deliverance. I didn't want to be just another tourist; I wanted the power of God to go with us to heal the sick, raise the dead and set the captives free.
Some will say that I am expecting too much, but my wife suffered from infertility and was healed. She had miscarried several times, but during an intercessory prayer meeting, electricity began to go through her womb and she was healed. Two months later she was pregnant and she did not have any of the problems that had plagued earlier pregnancies.My wife had also suffered from carpal tunnel but The Lord healed that too. During a time of prayer, her wrist grew hot and she was healed. Margie, a lady who used to cut my hair, told me how she had been healed of Leukemia more than 40 years ago. She lay in a hospital, near death when The Lord impressed upon her to summon a Christian man she knew to pray. He prayed for several hours and she walked out of that hospital completely healed. I know many others who have been healed. I have been praying for years that The Lord will heal my wife of arthritis, primarily in her knees and I will continue to pray for it.
Even the homeless in America have better health care than the huddled masses of Africa. If The Lord would perform miracles, in America, a country that is turning it's back on God, then wouldn't he do more for the least and the lost in Africa, who are abandoning the animistic religions and idols of their ancestors, and turning to Jesus? Surely, God would do more in Africa.
The money I prayed for as a sign, did not come. Sometimes, The Lord wants us to step into a difficult place based on faith. Because of a dream, at the 11th hour, I took a step of faith, put the $3,000 on a credit card, and went. We landed in Ghana, one of Benin's neighbors, and everywhere we saw the fruit of a revival that had swept across that nation in recent years. Gas stations, hair dressers and even semi trucks lovingly incorporated praise for God on their store fronts and in the names of their shops. We happened to overhear 2 men arguing and even the argument acknowledged God. One man shouted at the other that Jesus would certainly punish him because he was not speaking and dealing honestly. Having grown callous to hearing the name of Jesus being used as a curse, it was a welcome contrast. We were glad for the people of Ghana and we wanted The Lord to do the same thing in Benin.
When we finally reached Benin, we were taken by how far reaching the poverty was. The cities were filled with tin shacks and the rural villages were filled with thatched huts. Women balanced huge bowls on their heads, selling their wares, while carrying a baby strapped on their backs. The streets of Contonu, the capital city, were choked with traffic and thousands of people in booths lined the streets each day trying to etch out a life. Everywhere, there were signs that Benin's resources were spread thin and stretched to the point of breaking.
Thousands of mopeds clogged the streets serving as taxis, carrying huge sacks of grain or serving as a family mini van. Dad would drive with a large basket corralled between the handle bars, mom would be in back with bags in each hand and a toddler or two would be sandwiched between them. The air was oppressive and thick with the exhaust of poorly tuned engines making it difficult to breath. The driving was so aggressive that it's best described as a contact sport.
Our accommodations were a stark contrast to the huddled masses of Benin. Our hosts, graciously allowed our team to stay in their very lovely home. They had bedrooms to spare, but lacked furniture. When we arrived, we were humbled to learn that our hosts had purchased beds and furniture for each room. Every day, our missions leader served gourmet meals which we ate on a beautiful 3rd floor balcony well above the tin shacks of Contonu. Our leader and our hosts were the picture of kindness and grace, so that we never lacked for anything.
At Christmas, Samaritan's Purse hosts “Operation Christmas Child” which collects shoe boxes packed with small gifts and ships them to needy children around the world. Each box has about $20 worth of very basic items: pencils, paper, soap, a tooth brush, a toy, and some hard candy. We were invited by a local pastor to help pass out mosquito nets (which help fight Malaria) and about 100 Samaritans Purse boxes. Word spread through the community and the host church was packed with hundreds of people. The church lacked any windows but had many open archways so that any breeze would bring relief from the heat and humidity. We sat on plain wooden benches, and the choir, dressed in robes, had few instruments, but they sang as beautifully as any songbird that America could boast of. And of course, the choir sang, danced and worshiped with a heaping measure of Africa in each song.
When we finally began distributing the boxes, the people, who had been waiting for hours, pressed in frantically on every side. We managed to hand out 2 boxes before the crowd surged forward, pushing, shouting and fighting with each other. I struggled to remain standing, not wanting to fall on top of some children fighting for a box at my feet. Our team squirmed through the shouting mob and made our way out of the building, feeling overwhelmed. Our illegitimate expectations of giving gifts to smiling, respectful, grateful, children in a neat and orderly way had been violently swept away. The local pastor helped us put it in perspective with grace and humor. He walked up to me, shook my hand, and said with great enthusiasm, “Welcome To Africa”. He is right, that's Africa. He was not demeaning his people as an unruly mob but was reminding us that they are poor and western etiquette is a luxury few can afford. Our mission leader's wife just laughed and said “They are my people”.
We visited a church in the village of Attiema that met in a thatched hut. The villagers got their water from wells but they often got sick because the wells were infected with a fungus. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the leading cause of death in the world is from water born diseases (1.8 million every year) and 90% of those deaths are children under the age of 5.
I like to study “backyard chemistry” and knew that a bio sand filter would kill the fungus and stop the sickness. This simple technology has no moving parts, requires no electricity and is used all over the world to purify water with excellent results. The materials cost about $30 per filter, but the time, tools and materials were not available, so I left Attiema with a knot in my stomach. I saw many needs that could be fixed with a little knowledge, a few tools, and a little money, but it had not been part of our mission. It became a splinter in my mind and at night I lay awake asking The Lord why he had brought me to Benin.
Ecclesiastes 1:18
For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.
Our team had the opportunity to pray for the church in Attiema, where the local language is Fon. I usually “interview” people before praying for them but I had no interpreter, so I could not talk to the people. Too often, rather than listen for the still small voice of God I have merely prayed my best wishes and good intentions because it's easier than listening quietly. In a way, not having an interpreter was a blessing. Sounding artificially spiritual when praying was impossible in a foreign language. I was surprised how I unconsciously altered my prayer when I knew that God was not the only one listening. But now, I had to strain to hear that still small voice, more than I ever had before.
Over the years, I have been given prophetic words by different people indicating that the spirit of a father rests on me. That night I prayed for only 2 adults but about 40 children. I was not wanting to pray for that many children but for whatever reason, the finger of God brought them to me. I prayed for them as I would for my own children; blessing their health, their families, their work, their future marriages and faith. With the Holy Spirit pressing upon me, I wept and wept, crying out to God as I laid hands on and prayed for those children.
I wanted The Lord to heal the sick, raise the dead, and set the captives free, but no word has been received from the church in Attiema indicating that any healings took place. Only God knows the future to see what effect our prayers have had. Trying to rest on faith that something worthwhile happened, sucks. I confess to being a faith midget and for purely selfish motives I asked The Lord to let me see the fruit of the trip. But, He has been agonizingly silent.
I saw many needs in Benin, and knew of simple solutions to many of those needs. But we had not prepared for it. When I finally left Benin, I was distraught, and was reminded of Naomi:
Ruth 1:19-21
When they arrived in Bethlehem, the whole town was stirred because of them, and the women exclaimed, "Can this be Naomi?" "Don't call me Naomi, [which means pleasant] " she told them. "Call me Mara [which means bitter], because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the LORD has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The LORD has afflicted me; the Almighty has brought misfortune upon me."
I had great hopes of what The Lord would do in Benin but I felt as though I brought my 5 loaves and 2 fish to Jesus only to leave empty handed. I am haunted by Benin and since then, like Habakkuk, I have been crying out to God, pouring out my complaint.
Habakkuk 1:2
How long, O LORD, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, "Violence!" but you do not save? Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrong?
In my life, I have seen The Lord turn tragedy into triumph, and in Naomi's time He eventually turned Naomi's bitterness to joy. My hope and prayer is that out of the sorrow I feel, The Lord will birth something better. Till then my spirit stands waiting for an answer:
Habakkuk 2:1
I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts;
I will look to see what he will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this complaint.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Creation vs Evolution; Part 1

An Unbalanced Debate

Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."

Part 1 of a 3 part series discussing the evil fruit of evolution and the dangers of it's infiltration into the Christian church.

In our present evil age, there is a war over the minds, hearts, and souls of a very fallen humanity. The Lord desires to lure us out of a self imposed darkness into his light, but the world, guided by the evil one, seeks to extinguish that light. As believers in Christ we accept that the Bible is authoritative, that it is timeless, and that it is without error, because it is given by inspiration of God. One of the ways the evil one seeks to dim that light is by undermining the authority of the Bible with a toxic lie called evolution. This lie has brought death with it, on a scale that is difficult to grasp due to it's breadth.

Evolution (the belief that all life arose by chance without God) obviously contradicts the Genesis account of creation (also called Intelligent Design). No unbiased person reading Genesis would come to the conclusion that it was secretly hinting at evolution, yet some within the church in order to accommodate popular culture, have cast aside the obvious literal interpretation of Genesis in favor of an artificial “symbolic” interpretation. The Genesis account, they argue, is figurative, like a parable, and not literal, but this “interpretation” introduces several more toxic lies. Not only did Jesus speak of the creation account as factual history but if there was no “literal” Adam and Eve, then there was no literal original sin to be atoned for. This would mean that Jesus was crucified for a mere parable and not to atone for our sins.

Self determination:

“Sovereignty” is the right to rule, judge, reward and punish. The Bible teaches that God has sovereignty over the whole earth and that he will one day judge the living and the dead, punishing some and rewarding others. We like to imagine that we sustain ourselves but this is not true, as it is God, who causes the sun to shine, the to rain fall, and the food to grow. Referring to God, one of Job's friends said:

If it were his intention and he withdrew his spirit and breath, all mankind would perish together and man would return to the dust. Job 34:14 – 15:

Just as parents gives birth to children, provide for them, and so have authority over them, so God's authority over humanity is based upon the fact that he both created and even now sustains us. Evolution denies God's supernatural creation, and therefore denies his claim to sovereignty over humanity. If God did not create us, then we owe him nothing, and we are free to do as we please, rather than as he wills.

Right and wrong:

If evolution is true, then there is no meaningful argument for “right and wrong” so your ethics can change according to your circumstances, or what is called “situational ethics”. Thomas Huxley, known as “Darwin's Bull Dog”, was an enthusiastic early champion of evolution. His grandchildren, Aldous and Julian, stated that one of the reasons they accepted evolution was because it liberated them from the commonly held beliefs of right and wrong:

"For myself, as, no doubt, for most of my contemporaries, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation. The liberation we desired was simultaneously liberation from a certain political and economic system and liberation from a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom."

(Aldous Huxley, noted author)

"I suppose the reason we leaped at the origin of species was because the idea of God interfered with our sexual mores."

(Sir Julian Huxley, President of the United Nation's Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO).)

Hopelessness and Meaninglessness:

The flip side of this liberating coin is perhaps even more dangerous. We are made in God's image and God calls us his children. Evolution denies that divine spark in humanity and reduces us to only a more evolved “animal” with no special meaning or purpose.

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." Genesis 1:26

God made Adam and Eve ruler of the earth and gave them very simple instructions.

God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground." Genesis 1:28

The earth and everything in it was created for our benefit and God intended for us to rule the earth as his children with the command “fill the earth and subdue it”. The Lord never gave any indication that we needed to stop at a certain number of people, nor did he suggest that we should play god and regulate the world population ourselves. The Lord plainly stated Israel's borders when they entered the promised land, in the same way, If the earth's population was something we were supposed to regulate then God would have said so. On the contrary, we know that The Lord is fully capable of controlling the world population himself and will regulate it as he sees fit.

Part 2: Environmentalism, Communism, Racism and Eugenics

Creation vs Evolution; Part 2

Environmentalism, Communism, Racism and Eugenics


While evolution diminishes the value of humanity to being no more than an animal, a new heresy is rising as a fruit of evolution that views humanity not as rulers, nor as equals, but as a “planetary cancer”. This highly toxic and radical ideology, is the environmentalist movement whose “environmentally friendly” advocacy has set the stage for the deaths of millions of people worldwide. This video clip called "The Cure for Planetary Cancer" from the 02/27/2009 broadcast of "The Hal Lindsey Report" does an excellent job of making this point very clear.

The earth's population is now about 6.5 Billion people, but environmental groups argue that the earth can only support 500 Million people and want to eliminate the “excess” 6 Billion (that's 12 out of every 13 people). Environment groups are advocating abortion, sterilization, and “environmental” regulations that lead to the deaths of thousands if not millions of people. Consider the following example.

Malaria is an infectious disease, transmitted to people by mosquitoes, and it is responsible for the deaths of an estimated 3 Million people each year who are mostly young children and pregnant women. Malaria costs the continent of Africa an estimated $12 Billion a year. In 1939 DDT was discovered to be a highly effective pesticide dramatically slashing the number of new cases of malaria. DDT is safe, effective and inexpensive and was so successful at controlling malaria that DDT is the only pesticide to have ever been awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. But then in the 1970's, based upon bad science, the environmental movement successfully banned DDT.

As a result, world wide cases of malaria skyrocketed because alternative pesticides were not as cheap, safe or effective. A watch dog group called has a “malaria clock” showing the estimated number of new infections and deaths. Since it's ban, over 30 years ago, 14 Billion people have become infected with malaria, and of those, nearly 100 million have died (especially in Africa). Environmental groups argue that there are alternative pesticides but as many African's only earn $1 a day, they can not afford the far more expensive alternatives.

I saw a YouTube video showing how people in Africa had trained a species of very large African rats to sniff out landlines and mark the spot. The rats were not heavy enough to detonate the mines, but animal rights activists were cursing them for using trained rats:

I'd rather see some kid or better, a bunch of kids get ripped and blown to shreds than see an animal get killed.

OK, i dont like to see anything die, but i find humans worthless compared to the life of an animal. HUMANS put HUMANS's lives in danger, animals didnt. WHats the big deal, they skin dogs for fur, why not skin a human for fun, huh?

The animal rights activists showed the most chilling callousness to human suffering I can remember seeing.

Evolution has opened the door to unimaginable death, and destruction though it is not usually recognized as a contributing factor. Atheists like to cite war based upon religion (such as the crusades) but they seem completely ignorant of the death and destruction brought because dictators and governments were following the principles of evolution to their logical conclusions.


The Chinese considered evolution so central to communism that religions and rival moralities were ruthlessly exterminated as being incompatible with communist ideologies and plans.

In 1947, Bishop O'Gara was imprisoned by the Chinese Communists and wrote from his prison cell. A number of them were "hopeless" to the new regime and were executed. Those considered "salvageable" had to attend a week-long class as the new "People's Republic" was born. His letter described the retraining classes. He does not refer to Marxist philosophy, redistribution of wealth, or even basic socialist principles, but rather Darwinian evolution. This was what was considered the first vital step towards a cooperative communist populace. Eliminate God the Creator, eliminate original sin, replace God with the State.... The Chinese relied upon Charles Darwin's theory of evolution to undermine the religious foundation of millions of faithful. Those too strong to crack were eliminated. (Terry Jackson, The Devolution of Evolution)

Evolution's evil fruit have cost the lives of millions. An estimated 50 million died under the Chinese Communism and an estimated 20 million more died in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin.

Lest you think that what happen in China and the Soviet Union are are exceptions to the rule, consider this:

Fascism and Eugenics (also called Social Darwinism):

"The German Fuhrer, as I have consistently maintained, is an evolutionist; he has consistently sought to make the practices of Germany conform to the theory of evolution."

(Sir Arthur Keith, a militant anti-Christian physical anthropologist)

"If nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such cases all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile" (Adolph Hitler, "Mein Kampf" 1924)

Long before WW II, Hitler openly promoted evolution and the idea that the Aryan (German) race was “the Master Race”. Hitler secretly created the T-4 “Eugenics” program which killed 275,000 “unfit” people and forcibly sterilized 400,000 more. Hitler even instituted the Lebensborn (Fount of Life) program which encouraged "racially pure" women to mate with "racially pure" men (often SS officers). The Nazi Eugenics poster featured here says:

"This person suffering from hereditary defects costs the community 60,000 Reichsmark during his lifetime. Fellow German, that is your money, too."


Some have argued that this is an unfair application of Evolution and is not actually an underlying theme within evolution. But is it? Please consider these quotes by Darwin himself and his “bulldog” Thomas Huxley:

"The more civilized so-called Caucasian races have beaten the Turkish hollow in the struggle for existence. Looking to the world at no very distant date, what an endless number of lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world." (Charles Darwin, 1881, 3 July, "Life and Letters of Darwin, vol. 1, 316")

"No rational man, cognizant of the facts, believes that the average Negro is the equal, still less the superior, of the white is simply incredible to think that.....he will be able to compete successfully with his bigger-brained and smaller-jawed rival, in a contest which is to be carried on by thoughts and not by bites." (Thomas Huxley, 1871, Lay Sermons, addresses and reviews)

Eugenics in America:

Some will feel insulated believing that these things could not have happen on American soil but that is not true. Hitlers eugenics of the 1930's were an expanded version of what the United States was doing since 1907. 33 states has compulsory sterilization laws and between 1907 and 1981, over 65,000 people were forcibly sterilized as part of state level “eugenics” programs.

The 1936 Nazi poster at right says "We do not stand alone": and shows the flags of other countries with, compulsory sterilization laws (including the USA). The woman is holding a baby and the man is holding a shield inscribed with the title of Nazi Germany's 1933 compulsory sterilization law.

The US Supreme Court in an 8 to 1 decision, declared that states had a right to sterilize a citizen they deemed unfit in the infamous “Buck v. Bell” case of 1927. in his court opinion, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote:

We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, in order to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. (Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.)

He concluded with his infamous comment “Three generations of imbeciles are enough”. Evolution has only one commandment, survival of the fittest, anything less is blasphemy.

Part 3: Many Infallible Proofs: